After Workshop 1 you should now have a list of current and future impacts, as well as a list of council activities which already support adaptation. It is now time to turn this information into a set of risks statements, and then a risk register.
Workshops 2 and 3 are where you will bring what you have developed for discussion with the wider group. You should use your core working group to delegate work and steer the creation of these draft wherever possible.
The three drafts you have to create are:
- 1) Risk Register
- 2) Vision, Aims and Themes
- 3) Action Plan
Guidance Document: Creating a Risk Register
Guidance Document: Vision, Aims and Themes
Guidance Document: Developing Your Action Plan
Link: Examples of Climate Indicators for England
These only need to be drafts for Workshop 2, which mostly focuses on the Risk Register and Vision/Aims/Themes. You will then further develop the Risk Register, Aims and the Action Plan with relevant internal staff (head of service etc…) before Workshop 3, based on the feedback.